发布日期:2025-01-04 10:23 点击次数:208
转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年5月28日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on May 28, 2024应萨尔瓦多政府邀请,国家主席习近平特使、文化和旅游部部长孙业礼将赴圣萨尔瓦多出席于6月1日举行的萨尔瓦多总统新任期就职仪式。At the invitation of the government of El Salvador, President Xi Jinping’s Special Envoy and Minister of Culture and Tourism Sun Yeli will attend the inauguration of the second term of El Salvador’s President in San Salvador on June 1. 总台央视记者:据了解,在昨天举行的第九次中日韩领导人会议上,三方达成了《第九次中日韩领导人会议联合宣言》,请问中方对此有何评价?CCTV: At the ninth China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting held yesterday, the three countries issued the joint declaration of the meeting. How does China see this outcome? 毛宁:昨天,中日韩领导人会议时隔四年多在韩国首尔举行,会议通过了《第九次中日韩领导人会议联合宣言》,发出了东北亚国家加强团结、深化合作、推动区域经济一体化的信号,为当前动荡变革的国际局势注入了稳定性和正能量。Mao Ning: Yesterday, the China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting was held in Seoul after a hiatus of more than four years. The meeting adopted the Joint Declaration of the Ninth China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Summit. It sent a message of East Asian countries working together to strengthen solidarity, deepen cooperation and promote economic integration in the region, and injected stability and positive energy into a turbulent and rapidly changing world. 联合宣言积极评价三国合作的重要意义和积极作用,明确下阶段重点合作领域,提出了一些具有雄心的目标,反映了三国合作的强劲需求和内生动力。The joint declaration gave a positive assessment of the significance and role of the trilateral cooperation, identified key cooperation areas, and set some new ambitious targets, all of which shows the strong demand and internal driving force for the trilateral cooperation.三方重申落实2019年领导人会议通过的《中日韩合作未来十年展望》。同意深化经贸合作,讨论加快中日韩自贸协定谈判,鼓励加快关于RCEP新成员加入程序的讨论,重申保持市场开放,决定加强供应链合作,在出口管制领域保持沟通,努力打造全球公平竞争环境。三方同意推进科技创新和数字化转型合作,重视人工智能领域沟通,努力恢复三国科技部长会议和信息通信部长会议。同意加强人文交流,将2025—2026年定为中日韩文化交流年,力争到2030年将三国人员往来规模增至4000万。三方还将在联合国、东亚合作以及三方都参与的其他多边框架下保持密切沟通。China, Japan and the ROK reaffirmed commitment to implementing the Trilateral Cooperation Vision for the Next Decade adopted at the trilateral summit meeting in 2019. The three countries agreed to deepen trade and economic cooperation, discuss speeding up negotiations for a trilateral FTA and encourage accelerated discussion on the accession procedures of new membership to RCEP. They reaffirmed their commitment to keeping markets open, decided to strengthen supply chain cooperation, continue communication in the field of export control and work to ensure a global level playing field. The three countries agreed to promote cooperation in science and innovation and in digital transformation, recognized the importance of communication on AI, and agreed to strive to resume the Trilateral Science and Technology Ministers’ Meeting and the Trilateral ICT Ministers’ Meeting. The three countries agreed to enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges and designated 2025-2026 as the Year of Cultural Exchange among the three countries. We will strive to increase the number of people-to-people exchanges among the three countries to 40 million by 2030. China, Japan and the ROK will also maintain close communication in the UN, on East Asian cooperation and within other multilateral frameworks where all three countries participate.除联合宣言外,此次会议还达成了《中日韩知识产权合作十年愿景联合声明》和《关于未来大流行病预防、准备和应对的联合声明》两份成果文件。In addition to the joint declaration, the meeting also issued two outcome documents, namely the Joint Statement on a 10 Year Vision for Trilateral IP Cooperation, and the Joint Statement on Future Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response. 中日韩合作已开启全面发展的新征程。接下来,中方将同韩方、日方一道,切实落实好上述成果文件,持续深化各领域友好交流和务实合作,更好助力三国发展,造福地区人民,促进东北亚乃至世界的和平、稳定和繁荣。China-Japan-ROK cooperation has embarked on a new journey of all-round growth. Going forward, China will work with the ROK and Japan to deliver on those outcome documents and deepen friendly exchanges and practical cooperation in various areas, so as to give a stronger boost to the development of the three countries, bring benefit to the people in the region, and uphold peace, stability and prosperity of Northeast Asia and beyond. 韩联社记者:我有两个问题。第一个问题,27日朝鲜侦察卫星发射以失败告终,分析称朝鲜在韩中日领导人会议召开当天凌晨通报发射侦察卫星的计划,此举试图给三国合作泼冷水。还有分析称,朝鲜此次发射卫星违反联合国安理会相关决议。中方的立场是什么?第二个问题,在《第九次韩中日领导人会议联合宣言》中,未包含之前提到的关于实现朝鲜半岛无核化目标,部分媒体报道称由于中国反对,这一目标被排除在外。中方的立场是什么?Yonhap News Agency: I have two questions. First, the DPRK’s launch of a reconnaissance satellite yesterday ended in failure. Analysts say that the DPRK notified other countries of its plan to launch a reconnaissance satellite on the early morning of the day of the ROK-China-Japan trilateral summit meeting to throw cold water on the trilateral cooperation. Other analysts say that the launch violates UN Security Council resolutions. What is China’s position on this? Second, the Joint Declaration of the Ninth ROK-China-Japan Trilateral Summit does not include the goal of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula which was mentioned in previous meeting documents. Some media reports say that this is due to China’s opposition. What is China’s position on this?毛宁:关于第一个问题,中方注意到朝方发射卫星相关情况,包括朝方的声明和其他各方的反应。我们始终认为,维护半岛和平稳定、推动半岛问题政治解决进程符合各方共同利益,呼吁各方为此作出建设性的努力。Mao Ning: On your first question, China noted the developments on the DPRK’s satellite launch, including the DPRK statement and the response from other parties. We believe that ensuring peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and advancing the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue serves the common interests of all parties, and we call on all parties to make constructive efforts to this end. 关于第二个问题,在半岛问题上,中方的基本立场没有变化。On your second question, China’s basic position on the Korean Peninsula issue remains unchanged.东方卫视记者:在刚刚过去的周末,中欧班列累计开行数量突破9万列,货值超3800亿美元。回望中欧班列从无到有十多年的发展历程,发言人如何看待班列对中欧及全球经贸往来发挥的独特作用?Dragon TV: Last weekend, the China-Europe Railway Express (CRE) registered over 90,000 trips in total, shipping freight worth over USD 380 billion. For the past 10 plus years of its development from scratch to what it is today, how do you think of the role of the CRE in China-Europe and global trade?毛宁:祝贺中欧班列创造了开行新纪录。作为共建“一带一路”旗舰项目和标志性品牌,中欧班列已通达欧洲25个国家223个城市,连接亚洲11个国家100多个城市。过去8年间,中欧班列年开行数量由1702列增加到超1.7万列;年运输货值由80亿美元提升至567亿美元,已成为名副其实的亚欧贸易“黄金通道”。Mao Ning: Congratulations on the new record. As a flagship project and signature brand of Belt and Road cooperation, the China-Europe Railway Express (CRE) has reached 223 cities in 25 European countries, and linked more than 100 cities in 11 Asian countries. For the past 8 years, the annual trips have increased from 1,702 to over 17,000 with the value of annual freight up from USD 8 billion to USD 56.7 billion. The CRE has no doubt opened a “golden channel” for trade in Eurasia.道路通则百业兴。中欧班列运载的是商品,传递的是机遇,带来的是希望。班列不仅便利中欧商品更快捷通达对方市场,也带动新的物流、工业、商贸中心和产业园区不断涌现,架起了中欧互通有无、互利互惠的桥梁。Transport leads to prosperous industries. What the CRE carries are goods, but what it brings are opportunities and hope. The CRE not only makes it faster and more convenient for Chinese and European goods to reach each other’s market, but also keeps fostering new logistic services, industries, business centers and industrial parks. It now serves as a bridge for mutually beneficial trade.中方愿同沿线各国共同努力,推进中欧班列高质量发展,为世界经济注入更多稳定性,为共同发展提供更多新动能。We will work with countries along the lines to promote high-quality development of the CRE, inject more stability to the world economy and provide more driving force for common development.日本朝日电视台记者:朝鲜外务省昨晚发表谈话称,中日韩领导人会议联合声明的部分内容是对朝鲜内政的粗暴干涉,朝方予以强烈谴责。外交部对此有何评论?TV Asahi: The DPRK’s foreign ministry said in a statement released last night that some content in the Joint Declaration of the Ninth China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Summit constitutes gross interference in the DPRK’s internal affairs and that the DPRK strongly condemns it. What’s the Foreign Ministry’s comment?毛宁:第九次中日韩领导人会议昨天在韩国首尔举行,三方发表联合宣言。三方重申维护朝鲜半岛和东北亚和平、稳定和繁荣符合三方的共同利益,是三方的共同责任。三方重申了各自在地区和平稳定、朝鲜半岛无核化和绑架问题上的立场。三方同意继续为推进朝鲜半岛问题政治解决进程作出积极努力。Mao Ning: The ninth Trilateral Summit Meeting among China, Japan and the ROK was held in Seoul yesterday, and the three countries issued a joint declaration. The three parties reaffirmed that maintaining peace, stability and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia serves the common interest and is the common responsibility of the three countries. They reiterated positions on regional peace and stability, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the abductions issue, respectively. They agreed to continue to make positive efforts for the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue.中方希望各方坚持维护半岛和平稳定,坚定推动半岛问题政治解决进程。We hope relevant parties will firmly uphold peace and stability on the Peninsula and promote the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue.路透社记者:我的问题也是关于中日韩领导人会议联合宣言。中方将采取何种措施落实关于实现朝鲜半岛无核化的承诺?中朝关系会否面临下滑风险?Reuters: Also on the joint declaration by China, South Korea and Japan. What steps will China take to meet this commitment to the denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula? And will China’s bilateral relations with North Korea risk decline?毛宁:维护半岛和平稳定、推动半岛问题政治解决进程符合各方共同利益,也需要各方共同作出建设性努力。Mao Ning: Maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and working for the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue serve all parties’ interests, and require constructive efforts from all parties.关于中朝关系,中方的立场是一贯的。On China-DPRK relations, China’s position is consistent.印尼安塔拉通讯社记者:以色列空袭加沙拉法难民营,造成包括许多儿童在内的40多名巴勒斯坦人丧生。一些国家领导人敦促执行国际法院命令,制止以色列的进攻。在为加沙提供人道主义援助和执行国际法院命令方面,中国政府将如何提供支持?Antara: Israeli air attack on tents housing displaced people in Rafah, Gaza killed more than 40 Palestinians, including many children. Some global leaders urge the implementation of International Court of Justice order to halt Israel’s assault. How Chinese government can support humanitarian assistance for Gaza and also the implementation of the ICJ order?毛宁:中方对以色列开展针对拉法的军事行动表示严重关切,注意到国际法院第三次就巴以冲突发布临时措施命令,首次明确要求在有关地区停止军事行动。这反映了国际社会迫切希望停火止战、保护平民、缓解人道危机的普遍共识和强烈呼声。有关临时措施命令应当尽快得到有效落实。Mao Ning: China is gravely concerned over Israel’s military operation in Rafah. We noted that the UN International Court of Justice has for the third time delivered the order for provisional measures on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and for the first time explicitly asked for ceasing the military offensive in relevant region. This reflects the world’s consensus on and strong call for an urgent ceasefire, protection of civilians and deescalation of the humanitarian crisis. Relevant provisional measures should be effectively implemented as soon as possible.中方在巴以冲突问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的。我们反对任何违反国际法包括违反国际人道法的做法,要求各方保护平民和民用设施,强烈呼吁以色列倾听国际社会呼声,停止进攻拉法。国际社会应当共同为缓解、结束加沙的人道主义灾难作出努力。China’s position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is consistent and clear. We oppose any action that violates international law, including international humanitarian law. We ask all parties to protect civilians and civilian facilities, and strongly urge Israel to heed the call of the international community and stop the offensive on Rafah. The world needs to work together to deescalate and end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. 乌克兰通讯社记者:此前,中方经常呼吁推动俄乌冲突降温,但没有明确这一呼吁针对哪些国家。俄罗斯对邻国乌克兰的进攻已两年之余。本月早些时候,俄方在乌东部哈尔科夫地区开辟了新战线。上周,俄罗斯对哈尔科夫的民用设施发动了一系列空袭。发言人能否具体说明,中方是否也在呼吁俄方缓和紧张局势?Ukrinform News Agency: Last time, China often calls for deescalation in the Russia-Ukraine war but does not name the countries to whom such calls are addressed. Russia, for more than two years, has continued invasion in neighboring Ukraine. So, earlier this month, Russia opened a new front in the eastern Ukrainian Kharkiv region, and last week, it launched a series of airstrikes on civilian objects in Kharkiv city. Can you specify whether the Chinese side’s calls for deescalation are addressed to Russia or not?毛宁:中方始终认为,对话谈判是解决乌克兰危机的唯一可行出路。各方都应致力于缓和局势,致力于政治解决危机。这一立场是明确的,也是一贯的。Mao Ning: China believes that dialogue and negotiation is the only viable way out of the Ukraine crisis. Parties need to all be committed to deescalating the situation and seeking political settlement of the crisis. This position has been clear and consistent.凤凰卫视记者:据报道,美国国务院发言人日前发表声明,对中国军队在台湾周边开展军演表达关切。发言人对此有何评论?Phoenix TV: It’s reported that the spokesperson of the US State Department issued a statement last weekend and expressed “concern over the People’s Liberation Army joint military drills around Taiwan.” What’s your comment? 毛宁:台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉,美国无权说三道四。中方在台岛周边开展军事演习,是对台湾地区领导人“5·20”讲话谋“独”挑衅的坚决惩戒,是对外部势力纵容支持“台独”、干涉中国内政的严厉警告,是捍卫国家主权和领土完整的正义之举,完全符合国际法和国际惯例,完全正当必要。Mao Ning: The Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair that brooks no external interference. The US has no right to make irresponsible remarks on it. Our joint drills around the Taiwan island are a resolute punitive response to the provocation for “Taiwan independence” made by the leader of the Taiwan region in his May 20 speech and a serious warning to external forces that connive at and support “Taiwan independence” and interfere in China’s internal affairs. It is a just move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and is necessary, legitimate and fully consistent with international law and common practices.台湾地区领导人上台伊始就迫不及待露出“台独”真面目,其“5·20”讲话是一篇彻头彻尾的“台独自白”,充分暴露其“台独工作者”的本性。事实再次证明,当前对台海现状最危险的改变、对台海和平最重大的破坏,就是“台独”分裂行径和以美国为首的外部势力纵容支持。After coming into office, the Taiwan region’s leader did not even wait before laying bare his true identity as a separatist for “Taiwan independence.” His speech on May 20 is a declaration of his agenda for “Taiwan independence,” which fully reveals his nature as a “worker for Taiwanese independence.” What has happened shows once again that the most dangerous change to the cross-Strait status quo and the biggest source of damage to cross-Strait peace are the separatist moves for “Taiwan independence” and connivance and support from US-led external forces.美方不顾中方坚决反对,派团出席“5·20就职仪式”、美国务卿发表声明“致贺”有错在先,向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号,无端指责中方维护国家主权和领土完整的合法合理举措更是错上加错。我们敦促美方认清“台独”分裂势力的本性和野心,认清其给台海和平稳定和中美关系带来的严重危害和巨大风险,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报,兑现美国领导人就台湾问题所做承诺,停止以任何方式为“台独”势力撑腰打气。In disregard of China’s firm opposition, the US is the one that acted wrongly first by sending a delegation and issuing a congratulatory statement by the Secretary of State on the so-called “inauguration ceremony,” which sent a seriously wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” separatist forces. The groundless accusation the US then made against China’s lawful and legitimate steps to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity just compounded its mistake. We urge the US to fully recognize the fundamental nature and dangerous ambition of “Taiwan independence” separatist forces, and the grave harm and enormous risks of “Taiwan independence” separatism to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and to China-US relations, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, honor the commitment made by US leaders on the Taiwan question and stop emboldening and supporting “Taiwan independence” separatist forces in any form. 中方捍卫国家主权和领土完整的决心坚定不移,反对外部势力干涉中国内政的决心坚定不移。“台独”是死路一条,支持“台独”必将玩火自焚。任何妄图挑战一个中国原则的错误行径,都将以失败告终。Our resolve to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity will not waver. Our determination to oppose external interference in China’s internal affairs will not change. “Taiwan independence” will lead nowhere and anyone who plays with fire by supporting “Taiwan independence” will get burned. Anyone who seeks to challenge the one-China principle will invariably fail.路透社记者:巴布亚新几内亚山体滑坡造成重大人员伤亡,一些国家已向巴新派出救援队。中国已经或将为巴新提供哪些实际援助?会否派救援团队赴灾区救援?Reuters: A few countries have already sent relief teams to Papua New Guinea after the deadly landslide. What practical help will China offer or has offered? And will China send a relief team to Papua New Guinea?毛宁:中方正密切关注巴新灾情,同巴新方保持密切沟通。我们将根据灾情和救灾需要提供帮助。Mao Ning: China is closely following the situation and maintains close communication with Papua New Guinea. We will provide assistance in light of the situation and the needs for disaster relief.《北京青年报》记者:据报道,日前,孟加拉国总理哈西娜在演讲中公开批评美国干涉孟内政,表示“一名某国白人曾提议,如果我允许该国在孟境内设立空军基地,他将保证我轻松胜选连任”,“这已经不是该国第一次向我开条件了”。哈西娜总理还表示,“绝对不会通过出卖领土或主权来获得权力”。请问中方对此有何评论?Beijing Youth Daily: It is reported that Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina publicly criticized in her speech US interference in her country’s internal affairs, saying that she was offered a hassle-free reelection by a white man of a foreign country if she allowed that country to build an airbase in Bangladesh. And she also said that it was not the first time the country made offers to her and she would never “come to power by renting part of the country or handing it over to another country.” What’s your comment? 毛宁:中方注意到哈西娜总理的讲话,这体现了孟加拉国人民独立自主、不畏外部压力的民族精神。个别国家谋求自身私利,公然拿他国选举做交易,粗暴干涉别国内政,破坏地区安全稳定,充分暴露出霸权霸道霸凌本质。Mao Ning: We noted Prime Minister Hasina’s speech that demonstrates the Bangladeshi national ethos of pursuing independence and not being intimidated by foreign pressure. Certain country, in order to seek its selfish interests, wantonly uses other countries’ elections as a bargaining chip, blatantly interferes in the internal affairs of other countries, and undermines regional security and stability. It fully shows the hegemonic, domineering and bullying nature of that country. 中方坚定支持孟加拉国维护主权独立和领土完整,坚定支持孟方奉行独立自主的外交政策、反对外部干涉,共同维护地区和平稳定与发展繁荣。China firmly supports Bangladesh in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, firmly supports it in pursuing an independent foreign policy, and firmly supports it in opposing foreign interference to jointly safeguard regional peace, stability, development and prosperity. 《澳门月刊》记者:据报道,近日亚美尼亚北部地区发生洪涝灾害,当地数十个居民点、近4000人受灾,已造成4人遇难、多人受伤,17座桥梁及多处路段损毁。发言人对此有何评论?Macau Monthly: It was reported that the recent flooding in northern Armenia has affected dozens of settlements and close to 4,000 people, with four people dead, many more injured, and 17 bridges and many roads damaged. What is your comment on this?毛宁:中方注意到亚美尼亚北部地区发生洪灾,造成人员伤亡和财产损失。中方向亚美尼亚方面表示慰问,相信亚美尼亚人民一定能够战胜灾害、重建家园。中方愿一如既往提供力所能及的帮助。Mao Ning: China noted that the flooding in northern Armenia has resulted in multiple fatalities, injuries and loss of property. China expresses sympathies to Armenia. We believe the Armenian people will overcome the disaster and rebuild their homes. China is, as always, ready to do everything we can to help.